Habitat for Humanity of Mason County


Real Estate & Development

About Us

Habitat for Humanity of Mason County is an ecumenical non-profit, Christian housing ministry. Our goal is to build affordable houses for families in Mason County who could not otherwise afford to own a home. Through volunteers, we build and renovate houses by challenging individuals, and organizations to lend a hand up, not a handout, to those in need.
We build or rehabilitate simple, decent houses, largely through donated labor and materials. Habitat houses are sold at no profit to families who are willing to partner with us, using their sweat-equity, to build their home. The homeowners' monthly mortgage payments are used to build more Habitat houses. Families in need apply to Habitat for Humanity in Mason County. Families are chosen based on their level of need, their willingness to become partners and their ability to repay the no-interest loan. Neither race nor religion is a factor in choosing families who receive Habitat houses.
If you, or a family you know in Mason County is in need of decent, affordable housing, we can give you information on the costs, availability and sweat-equity requirements for Habitat houses in Mason County.
Habitat for Humanity in Mason County can always use your help. You, or your church or other organization, can donate labor or materials, a hot lunch, office support, or help with fundraising events. Habitat for Humanity of Mason County takes applications from families for home ownership once per year. Contact us at info@habitatmasonwa.org at 426-8134 to volunteer in your area or to apply for Habitat homeownership.
