Yesteryear Car Club


Nonprofits & Charities

About Us

Yesteryear Car Club LLC was incorporated in 1967 by a group of people who were committed to keeping alive the history and preservation of vintage, collectible and older vehicles. Members didn’t have to own one of these vehicles, just have an interest in preserving the automotive history. Today, being now over 56 years old, the Club continues to be active and growing. Membership is open to all. Yesteryear Car Club is a non-profit 501 C3 corporation that gives back to the community thru supporting charitable donations, scholarships and service to the community.

We host an annual car show as one way to raise funds for these efforts. Our members also make personal donations thru our Difference Makers Club, a group within the Club that collects donations from members that are used only for charitable endeavors. We have partnered with the Lucky Dog Casino for our annual Car Show for the past 8 years. We count on this car show and the support of that show by auto enthusiasts and businesses from all around the Mason County area. to fund our charitable endeavors. We look forward to our participation in the Chamber of Commerce to enhance our relationships with the businesses and the community. If you or someone you know is interested in joining us or just learning more about us, we meet the 2nd Wednesday each month at the Lucky Dog Casino. We have a Meet and Mingle starting at 5pm. Visit our website at